Waxing vs Shaving | What's Best For A Spray Tan?
Some might say there is little a spray tan can’t fix. While we’re a firm believer in that true beauty shines from within, a little help on the outside never hurt.
Talk to those who tan religiously, and they’ll tell you in an instant, how amazing they feel after a tan. A safer alternative to lying in the sun, a spray tan is a convenient way to achieve a perfect golden glow, all year round.
The Perfect TPR Tan
Feat. @MontarnaPitt
While a professional spray tan can last anywhere up to ten days, if you’re tanning at home, you can usually get away with up to a week.
Talking to the wonderful owner and founder of The Parlour Room (and home to the best spray tans in Sydney), Natalie Ferrari, the key to a long-lasting tan, is all in the preparation beforehand.
‘You need to start with soft, smooth, hydrated skin,’
Laying the foundations are essential, from exfoliation, hair removal and intense hydration. Regardless of whether you’re tanning at home or leaving it to a professional, putting in the groundwork will ensure an even, long-lasting spray tan.
Now we know many can leave it last minute but how long should you wax or shave before a spray tan? TPR founder Nat says, ‘all hair removal should be done at least 48hrs before your appointment’. Not only does it help prevent any reactions with sensitive skin, but if you leave it till after, you could potentially ruin your tan. Causing the colour to lift prematurely and certain areas to look streaky.
There are pros and cons to both methods of hair removal and it largely comes down to the individual.
‘While waxing will pull the hair from the root, shaving will cut it off at the surface.’ says Nat, so in terms of regrowth, ‘the hair will take much longer to grow back from waxing, whereas shaving requires an upkeep every two days or so’.
Depending on how much time you have, ‘waxing would always be my preference.’ says Nat.
With waxing, not only is the hair pulled from its root, but it also takes hold of any remaining dead skin cells. So after the treatment, you’re left with a much more even surface to apply the tan. It also takes around four weeks for the hair to grow back, so you’re less likely to disrupt the surface by shaving and potentially lifting the colour and leaving discoloured patches on the skin.
Whichever method you choose, it’s important you moisturise regularly, in the days leading up to your appointment. ‘Tan tends to concentrate in drier areas,’ says Nat, ‘so ensuring you have well-hydrated skin beforehand will help prevent any streaking’. This is just as important post-application too, where the increased hydration can prevent the skin from flaking before it naturally begins to shed.
So next time you’ve got an event coming up or looking to achieve a flawless tan, be sure to put in the groundwork before. It pays to be prepared. Work in advance - start moisturising now and book in your wax in a few days before. You’ll thank yourself later!